For more than ten years I have been making, exhibiting and selling miniatures. Retiring early, after a career in midwifery, I was able to spend more time on crafting! I began to put together dolls houses and rooms - the tea room, the hat shop. It wasn't long before I was persuaded that others might be interested in buying my creations and Miss Margaret's Hats came into being. Though I began with hats I soon began to make other one twelfth and one twenty-fourth items; bridal gowns, ladies' dresses, dresses for little girls. I love knitting on needles size 19 and finer. I produce berets, bonnets, scarves, pram blankets, christening robes. In recent months my hand-knitted teddy bears have proved very popular.
I'm sure you will enjoy looking around my website. If you see anything you like you may find that I still have it. If I haven't then I'll have to make one as nearly the same as possible. But I don't mass produce so each creation is unique. Please telephone if you want to discuss an order. Or better still visit my stand at the York and Miniatura shows. You'll find details on the Fairs page.